black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Jan 21, 2011 21:14
i don't think you need to stand so close, %super show 2, stop hanging ffs!, as;ldlk;as touching!
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Jan 18, 2011 22:53
claiming territory, hankyung the possessive lurker, i don't think you need to stand so close, stop hanging ffs!, as;ldlk;as touching!, %super show
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Dec 13, 2010 19:30
claiming territory, %backstage, hankyung the possessive lurker, aaaaargh, i don't think you need to stand so close, stop hanging ffs!, icu thar, as;ldlk;as touching!, okay how is this not gay?
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Dec 11, 2010 20:59
aaaaargh, %backstage, stop hanging ffs!, as;ldlk;as touching!, that's so cute omg
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Dec 09, 2010 23:07
%misc, heechul's epic crush, brb convinced moment, that's so cute omg, aaaaargh, stop hanging ffs!, as;ldlk;as touching!, okay how is this not gay?
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Dec 07, 2010 23:24
aaaaargh, why are they like this, brb convinced moment, stop hanging ffs!, as;ldlk;as touching!, that's so cute omg, %super show
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Dec 06, 2010 20:30
%backstage, heechul's epic crush, brb convinced moment, that's so cute omg, aaaaargh, why are they like this, stop hanging ffs!, okay how is this not gay?
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Nov 15, 2010 20:48
claiming territory, real subtle guys, %super show 2, that's so cute omg, aaaaargh, why are they like this, i don't think you need to stand so close, stop hanging ffs!
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Nov 04, 2010 22:36
claiming territory, %backstage, heechul's epic crush, that's so cute omg, aaaaargh, i don't think you need to stand so close, stop hanging ffs!, okay how is this not gay?
black_goose wrote in hanchuladay Oct 31, 2010 18:59
claiming territory, %backstage, brb convinced moment, that's so cute omg, aaaaargh, i don't think you need to stand so close, stop hanging ffs!, as;ldlk;as touching!